The 18th Annual Catskills Irish Arts Week
July 15th – 21st, 2012
The 18th Annual Catskills Irish Arts Week takes place in upstate New York from July 15th – 21st, 2012 in the picturesque hamlet of East Durham, a destination for the Irish for many decades.
The largest group of Irish traditional musicians for any North American Summer School will once again grace the highly respected teaching and performing staff along with many of the top North American artists.
Among the talent coming over this year from Ireland for the CIAW are Mary Bergin, Matt Cranitch, Paul deGrae, Jackie Daly, Catherine McEvoy, Jimmy Crowley, Padraig McEneany, Mick Conneely, Fintan Vallely and Caitlin nic Gabhann.
Leading the North American side are Billy McComiskey, Joanie Madden, Brian and Rose Conway, Benedict Koehler, Loretta Murphy, Felix and Brendan Dolan,Willie Kelly, Mgr. Charlie Coen, Paddy Furlong, Don Meade, Patrick Ourceau, Margie Mulvihill. Tony DeMarco, Mike McHale, Eileen Gannon, Pauline Connelly, Myron Bretholz, Anna Colliton, Mairtin de Cogain, Mary Coogan and Dancing Masters Donny Golden and Kieran Jordan.
The CIAW is the largest summer school devoted to traditional Irish music and dance in North America and features 120 daily classes, daily topical lectures, ceilithe and open-air concerts each evening and 50 music sessions for all levels during the course of the week.
The week concludes on Saturday, July 21th with the Andy McGann Irish Music Festival on the M.J. Quill Pavilion Grounds in East Durham.
For further information visit or Email: or Tel. + 201-965-6598.