Cup of Tae Festival
May 1st – 4th, 2015
May Bank Holiday Weekend – Ardara, Co. Donegal.
The fourteenth “Cup of Tae” Festival takes place this May Bank Holiday weekend in Ardara, Co. Donegal. This is quite a unique festival and if you haven’t been there it is a must you go this year. Considered by many to be the greatest wee festival in Ireland it has all the qualities of an All Ireland Oireachtas without the competition. The musicians are there, the fun is there. The spontaneity is there and most events are free. The festival is in memory of one of the country’s most famous fiddle players, John “the tae” Gallagher, and each year the committee honour a prominent musician or musicians in his memory. This year popular Crossroads fiddle player Frank Kelly and champion solo singer Rita Gallagher are the honoured guests. The opening event of the festival in a special concert to honour this year’s guests Frank and Rita. This concert is organised with the honoured guests’ friends coming along and performing this special concert, and this is a must if you are attending the Festival.
Later on Friday 1st May traditional music sessions will take place throughout the village of Ardara. Also registration takes place on both Friday and Saturday morning for the Cup “of tae” famous Schools of Music where the top musicians in Ireland teach on Saturday and Sunday with emphasis on fiddle classes. A number of other instruments are also taught.
Lunchtime Saturday sees a chosen Children’s champion traditional group perform recital at the Heritage Centre followed by an open air session around town. Saturday evening sees a number of traditional sessions organised with the local pubs having their own organised sessions.
Sunday sees the famous Schools of Music come to an end with a school performance on the Diamond in the afternoon along with other open air sessions.
The Cup “of tae” finishes on Sunday night with an All–Star Concert in memory of John “the tae” with the many young musicians mixing on stage with the seasoned guests to give an always excellent concert.
Monday sees many spontaneous sessions in Town. A special event not to be missed. The Cup “of tae” Festival, Ardara, Co. Donegal. May Bank Holiday weekend.
For further information visit the website